Hack The Box -OpenAdmin Writeup

Irsyad Muhammad Fawwaz
3 min readMay 15, 2020



OpenAdmin is a easy, simple and straightforward box. this machine recommended for newbies. So, let’s begin our journey


look, There is only ssh(22) and an apache webserver(80), now let’s cek port 80


its only default page, to further enumerate the website we can check with gobuster


gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

ok, after scanning we can check our directory one by one,

after i check , i found interested directory


Now click LOGIN will redirect to

This not normal login page, this website using OpenNetAdmin(v18.1.1) not the latest version

RCE -Remote Code Execution

now we finding RCE with searchsploit

Now we can exploit

now look it’s simple shell

hahah i got the password but not root

now i’m logged in as Jimmy

Reconnaissance & Enumeration(Local)

While browsing through the /var/www i found /var/www/internal and we can check it

this file will read the id_rsa file from Joanna. now we can request file and see if I can obtain the key file.

look, by just making a curl request to an internal site, I can get Joanna’s RSA key. Now all I need to do is try to solve it using ssh2john

Now, we create a file called joanna.key and add the RSA private key into it.

now i get the password,let’s try to login

Privilege escalation

ok now I’ve got the user flag

okay now Joanna is allowed to use nano with Sudo, now most text editors have the possibility to run shell code, nano is no exception. in GTFOBins, good suggestions are available to execute the CTRL-R, CTRL-X sequences and then give a reset command; sh 1> & 0 2> & 0

use the command as sudo /bin/nano /opt/priv, Then type <CTRL>+R in order to read a file.

after press <CTRL>+R, We insert the file root.txt

and press <CTRL> +X, TO SAVE

Look we got the flags




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