RETRO TryHackMe WriteUp 2023
ok, this is my first machine in tryhackme. I usually use HTB. but now i havea project to finished. the project is “Search for one of the CTF engines on TryHackMe. Finish it and make the writeup!”, and then I chose a retro machine.
this machine is a little bit tricky for me. because I have to focus on small details. I finished this machine in 1 and a half hours. this machine has a CVE-2019–1388.
ok lets go……
Information Gathering — NMAP
first thing when i’m doing pentest is always using nmap
- p- -sV is blocked, so im using -Pn
after that, found port 80 is open, is the a website windows server
now I'm trying to bruteforce website directory using gobuster, and I found interesting directory called “retro”
Information Gathering — GOBUSTER
when I opened the homepage I found the post uploaded by wade, and I clicked the link(Wade)
when I exploring the webpage posted by wade, I look at recent comment section, and I clicked it
look at comment “Ready Player One”, I think parzival is a hint or something for username or password.
now, I'm trying to connect to server via RDP
I'm using remmina for the RDP
and I trying to fill password using “parzival”
and now I'm logged as a wade.
user.txt is the first flag I found.
Privilage Escalation — CVE-2019–1388
when I checked chrome, I found this.
and in Recycle Bin I found hhupd, maybe the administrator want to fix CVE-2019–1388
after i searching in google how to exploit the cve-2019–1388
i restore the file
the restored file will appear on Desktop
and i clicked the hhupd.exe
the file asked for the password, but we don’t use password instead we click on show more details
then click on “Show information about the publisher’s certificate”
now click on “VeriSign Commercial Software Publisher CA”
and choose internet explorer, because we using it for exploitation
wait for the website finishing load and follow the method above
after we clicked Save as the website will open file explorer.
we can save the file on C:\Windows\System32
and save as a *.* so that all the files in System32 are listed, not just files with the .mht format, because we need the cmd to exploit this vulnerability.
after enter the file we must scroll until it finds a file called 12520437.cpx
and then scroll again until cmd.exe, and click open
after I explored the existing directory.
Boom !! we logged as a Admisintrator without password and I found the flag root.txt.txt at C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop.
alright after Im trying this machine i feel like easy level on HTB is much difficult than tryhackme, i don't know why even though this is a machine with a Hard level.
for me the hard part when playing this machine is on exploring the website, because I didn’t realize “parzival” is the password for the server.
okay that’s all from me thank you for reading my writeup :)