RootBeer Root Detection Bypass | irsyadsec
A few months ago, I conducted penetration testing on an application and discovered that it was protected by the RootBeer library, which is used to detect rooted devices. In this article, I will demonstrate how to bypass the RootBeer library. For this demonstration, I will use a sample RootBeer application.
Before we start, I assume you are already familiar with using Frida Server and ADB.
Step-by-Step Guide to Bypass RootBeer Library
1. Setting Up the Environment
Ensure you have the following tools installed:
- ADB (Android Debug Bridge): Used for communicating with your Android device.
- Frida Server: A dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers.
- Emulator: in this case im using ldplayer
2. Preparing Devices
Download the appropriate Frida Server binary for your device’s architecture from the frida release page
connect to emulator
adb devices -l
adb root
Push the binary to your device using ADB:
adb push frida-server-16.0.10-android-x86_64 /data/local/tmp
give permission to thefile
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp
chmod +x frida-server-16.0.10-android-x86_64
start frida server
./frida-server-16.0.10-android-x86_64 -D
3. Bypassing root
Here, I will use the fastest method by using an exploit file that is already available on GitHub. I am using an exploit from pich4ya, and you can download it from there. big applause for him👏👏👏👏
After downloading the file, navigate to the folder where you saved it and open the Command Prompt.
Find the name of the application package.
frida-ps -Uai
Since I am using the sample Rootbeer application, the package name is com.scottyab.rootbeer.sample
After that, run this command
frida -l root.js -U -f --pause
after hit enter you can type again
andddd Voilaaaa your apk seharusnya sudah terbaypass
And voila! Your APK should be bypassed.
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